  Been at my new job for2 weeks now, it is cool! Get to see a lot of nice scoots, plus I get parts for my own scooter at a discount. Got a windscreen (for free) that someone had taken of their scooter and was throwing away, made brackets for it today.

 Spent lunch time working on My scooter for a change. Replaced throttle cable sleeve, and rear break cable and sleeve. Also got a cool chrome light up fender crest. It is called a "Jaguar Light" I think it is actually for a motorcycle, like a Harley, but it looks cool. Next big job is a shifting cross. I want to be ready for a ride to Santa Cruz Saint Patrick's day weekend. Oh, so I took off the windscreen, it caused so much turbulence, it made
the handlebars shake! Been thinking about a new paint job.

 Went to the junk yard today. There was a Vespa P200e there that was pretty beat, but had a nice Chrome back rest/rack that I bought for $10. Steal!! they cost like $100

I have been out drinking, partying and riding every night since Thursday. Spent much of the Friday night fixing scooter. Decided to replace the shifting cross.
xxxxxx says he can do a cross job in 45 minutes. Took me 2 hours. while I was fixing my Scoot, xxxx came by and said he knew about a party. So once I was back on the road, we got some Pizza,