been working on my P200 quite a bit. I took the CSA windshield off and cut it down so that it is only about as wide as the legshield, and cut the plexiglass down to about half the size. Looks a lot sleeker now. xxxxx was at the shop today and looked at it with what can only be described as contempt. "What's the point of even having one now?" he said, then just shook his head and walked away. I guess he does not share my particular aesthetic appreciation. But then again, he was involved with CSA, so maybe he thinks it is a comment on his design?
Hard to say. Personally, I like it. also will probably ditch the front rack. Might keep it for camping trips, but not for everyday. The only problem is there are circular dents in the paint where the rack rests on the legshield.
1-5-1990 11:30am
The ride is still six hours away, but already I am getting antsy to move. We are meeting at the whale building at 5:30pm for the ride to the custom scooter show in San Jose called "Dawning of a New Decade" I am taking my P200 because my 150 is not running very well at the moment.
leaving whale building. 13 scooters.
Gas stop. Good god it is cold! so far, xxxx got a flat tire about a half hour into the ride, xxxxx had a problem with his intake manifold, and now xxxx is working on his jet 200 Lambretta. some problem with the exhaust, I think. Lucky 13!