1-7-90 the trip home, 2:40pm
In Palo Alto. xxxx's scoot is having some kind of problem. Won't go over about 25 mph without bogging down. kind of sounds like it is not getting enough gas.
3:15pm in woodside.
short rest/gas stop.
It is starting to look like it is going to rain.
xxxx's scooter is getting worse
It is starting to drizzle and we are on the side of the road. xxx and xxxx are working trying to figure out what is wrong with xxxx's bike. we had been going 15-20 mph for the last few miles, then it crapped out altogether. right now xxx is checking out the carb.
Ok, got it fixed. turned out his exhaust was plugged with carbon. xxxx scrapped it out with a piece of wire, and it seems to run better now.
In fact he says it runs better than it has in a long time.
Just in time, as it is officially raining.
4:40pm, Home.
I have decided to name my white P200 "Maybelline". I was out in the driveway washing her, and trying to think up a good name. All of the sudden I hear music, and I look up, and there is a late 50's white and chrome Cadillac convertible, with Chuck Berry's "Maybelline" blaring from the radio. Took it as a sign.