next camp sight, which stopped after Xxx unloaded a clip from his Walther PPK. The rest of the night was singing and fire jumping, until I crawled into my sleeping bag at about 3:30 or 4:00am. After a while it became clear that the rising sun in this place couldn't' be easily dismissed, and people began crawling out of their tents and sleeping bags and milling around at about 7:00 am. Coffee was made, donuts appeared and it looked like a beautiful day. After cleaning up the broken glass and various burnt and melted items, we broke camp at about 10:30, stopped in some town near Napa for brunch at 1:00, and got back to the city about 4:00. I took a nap, and then went to my second Secret Society meeting.
6-29-91 6:20pm
Sitting at the golden gate bridge. We are waiting for xxx and xxx. xxxx, xxx, and I are riding and xxx is bringing his van to carry stuff in. We are headed north for the "Some Assembly Required" Camping trip.
7:00pm, on the side of the road.
xxxx's rally soft seized on the freeway, and we ended up taking back roads, and now we are kind of lost. we are trying to decide if we should load the rally in the van, and get back on the freeway.
Found the campsite. There are about 20 people here. xxx and I are going to head back out for a beverage run after we eat. There is beer, but xxx and I want whiskey.