I bought a 1958 Vespa 150 over the weekend. but it doesn't run. Has a couple of obvious problems, one is that it was rewired at some point with all red wire. there was a partial wiring diagram on rotted binder paper in the glove box. I am sure I can figure it out. it is missing the switches on the handle bars, but I rigged a set up. I fiddled with it for a while, but could not get it to start. also sounds like there is something loose inside when you kick it over.

I took the motor to Your scooter shop, but they said it was too old and wouldn't touch it. They recommended Schleicher Motors in Oakland. So I took it to them, and they said no problem. they tore it down, and said it would be $900. So I am thinking I could probably buy a new motor for less than that, so I went back to Your Scooter Shop and bought a 1975 150 Super motor for only $150. A buck a CC! What a deal! When I told them what it was for, they almost didn't want to sell it to me. They said it would be more trouble than it was worth to make it fit, and said they really could not offer any help. But how hard could it be?

Well, I see why they said the motor would not fit. I am having a custom steel plate made at the welding shop ($40) because the mounting is totally different on the 58. but it looks like it will work. Took the motor apart, and going by the Hanes manual, it looks pretty good, but needs seals, piston rings, and a main bearing. Also, now it will be a four speed, instead of three

Got a big order from vespa super shop. headlight and kill switch, bunch of misc bits and pieces. can't wait to work on the scoot!

9-21-88, 9:00 am.
Finished rebuilding motor, and put it in the bike. The mounting plate works great! Tried to start it. Coughed, sputtered, almost started. Reset points.
9:35 am.
Started after a few kicks, ran until I disconnected the spark plug wire.BR>

9-21-88, 9:36 am
Started on first Kick, running a little choppy. Now that it is warmed up, it is starting on first kick every time. Maybe Carb needs adjustment?
1:50 pm.
Started on first kick cold.

9-22-88, 9:15 am
Started on first kick even though cold. 11:00 am
Figured out some of the wiring, got headlight working.
12:00 pm
more wiring work, Kill switch works, tail light works now. still no brake light.

Bought a brake light switch at your scooter shop, I took the old one off to clean it and it fell to bits in my hands.

So today I am at the CHP station (to make sure none of it was stolen, I guess?)

9-28-88 1:30PM
So the CHP says it is OK, so now back to the DMV for my Plates.

Rode to work. No problems. Seems to be running better with new oil/gas mix. the label on the gas tank says 5% oil, but I found out that the 150 super motor only takes 2% oil. (it has an auto mixer, but I don't have an oil tank)

bought some cool chrome "grab rails" for the seat, but I need a drill that can drill through metal before I can put them on. Also, I have been working on a custom legshield script.

11-29-88 10:26am
Routine maintenance today. Running better with the new two stroke oil. started using a "Yamalube" instead of the stuff from the hardware store. More power, but is slipping out of second gear from time to time. Also Centerstand is tweaked, and making the scoot lean to one side.

Spent lunch time fiddling with the carburetor and tightening nuts and bolt to get rid of rattles. Got rid of most of them. Have been having a little trouble starting lately, like gas isn't reaching the carb. But it runs fine once started.

Cleaned and reset plug gap, checked timing and cleaned points. Starts better.

Having lunch with xxxx and xxx. we are going to meet up and ride scooters down to a place by pier 33, I think. Starting has been better, first kick usually. Walking back from lunch a noticed that the engine looks like it is tilted to one side. just a little, but noticeable. it is hard to tell because the whole scooter leans due to the center stand. Oh, I finished my "Pirates" legshield script today! now just needs polishing

Rode to work today, ran good, but I noticed that if I turn the handle bars all the way to one side the idle goes up. I think I need a longer throttle sleeve?

Cleaned and reset plug gap, checked timing and cleaned points. Starts better.

Having lunch with xxxx and xxx. we are going to meet up and ride scooters down to a place by pier 33, I think. Starting has been better, first kick usually. Walking back from lunch a noticed that the engine looks like it is tilted to one side. just a little, but noticeable. it is hard to tell because the whole scooter leans due to the center stand. Oh, I finished my "Pirates" legshield script today! now just needs polishing
Rode to work today, ran good, but I noticed that if I turn the handle bars all the way to one side the idle goes up. I think I need a longer throttle sleeve?

Fixed centerstand, was bent and the brackets had come loose. Scooter stands straight now, but the motor still looks tilted. Keep an eye on it...

Fitted a small oil tank (behind the trap door where the old carburetor was) and hooked up the oil injector. rode around for about a half an hour. seemed like it was vibrating more than usual, and felt kind of bogged down.

Rode to work today and yesterday. Starts and runs good. I went back to mixing the gas and oil myself. I think the injector was not working right, not giving enough oil.

Went to a California Road Runners scooter show last weekend. It was awesome! Lots of cool Scooters. Saw a bunch of the guys from Secret Society there. Got a Patch, and took some good video footage

1-12-89 9:30am
Maintenance work today Put a cool skull and cross bones pirate ship emblem where the old broken "Piaggio" badge was, and attached "Pirates" logo, so now it says "Vespa Pirates". Been working on it a lot, mostly just tinkering, but I really enjoy working on it.

1-17-89 10:25am
I applied for a mechanics job at "Your Scooter Shop" I hope to find out today.

No word on Job yet

 Lost my front fender crest somewhere, but I got a cool 8 ball  from a pool trophy and put it there. I also got a cool checkered mudflap. I have notice a small oil drip. I think it is coming from the oil drain plug. I don't see it dripping, but there is a spot in the morning. Hopefully just needs a new washer

 Got the Job! Woo-hoo!

  Started new job yesterday. I think it will be cool.. xxxxxx from Secret Society came in for an estimate on his scoot.

  Been at my new job for two weeks now, it is cool! Get to see a lot of nice scoots, plus I get parts for my own scooter at a discount. Got a windscreen (for free) that someone had taken of their scooter and was throwing away, made brackets for it today.

 Spent lunch time working on My scooter for a change. Replaced throttle cable sleeve, and rear break cable and sleeve. Also got a cool chrome light up fender crest. It is called a "Jaguar Light" I think it is actually for a motorcycle, like a Harley, but it looks cool. Next big job is a shifting cross. I want to be ready for a ride to Santa Cruz Saint Patrick's day weekend. Oh, so I took off the windscreen, it caused so much turbulence, it made the handlebars shake! Been thinking about a new paint job.

 Went to the junk yard today. There was a Vespa P200e there that was pretty beat, but had a nice Chrome back rest/rack that I bought for $10. Steal!! they cost like $100

I have been out drinking, partying and riding every night since Thursday. Spent much of the Friday night fixing scooter. Decided to replace the shifting cross.
xxxxxx says he can do a cross job in 45 minutes. Took me 2 hours. while I was fixing my Scoot, xxxx came by and said he knew about a party. So once I was back on the road, we got some Pizza, took a ride around the city, and then went to the Party. Lots of Mod/Scooter people. Saturday night was a club/party called Lucky Charms, mostly all scooter people. Went for a wild ride in the pouring rain afterwards, ended up drinking down at the pier. Tonight I am going to a Secret Society meeting as a guest. I think I may try to join.

3-19-89 9:30pm
Met up with the guys from Secret Society at the cable car diner on Geary, had a bite, then took off for the meeting. Talk about embarrassing! My damn exhaust pipe fell off twice on the way to the meeting, and I ended up not going. I talked to xxxx, he called to see why I did not come to the meeting. I told him about the exhaust pipe deal, and he said, no sweat. Scooter people know about breakdowns. He thinks I should still come to the next meeting. So after looking at my Scooter in the light, it turns out my exhaust stub clamp was cracked. that's why it seemed tight, but kept falling off. unfortunately, the clamp is welded to the pipe. I got a new (used) pipe in good condition, and now my scooter runs better than before. Blessing in disguise, I guess.

There was a ride over the weekend put on by The Lazy boys scooter club, about 25 bikes. There was no patch, but it started at Mel's drive in, so I bought a Mel's Pin for my Bomber Jacket.

Rode around the city, and then out to the ocean. It was a pretty easy ride. Really opened it up for the first time out on the stretch by the beach. Don't know how fast, 'cause my speedo does not work. but I am guessing 45-50? Fast enough that it felt a little sketchy, but it did fine. Just before the ride I recovered my seat in red and black, and got some cool folding foot pegs. also touched up the paint here and there, cleaned and polished. I also got a bunch of chrome trim and kinda went crazy, but al in all it looks pretty good. Here is a picture...

Fixed my centerstand today (I hope!), made some special brackets to reinforce where the stops meet the body. I hope that will do it I also replaced my fuel tap, and it is no longer leaking, and a lot smoother to turn. When the weather gets nice, I think I will take a ride to Santa Cruz.

Changed my oil today and tightened the shift box nuts, because there was a small oil leak that seemed to be coming from there. There is a scooter camping trip this week-end, but I don't think I can go. . Oh, xxx says he has an original 1958 speedometer, he said if he can find it, I can have it. That would be cool.
I keep thinking more and more about that paint job...

xxx was listening to my scooter, and xxx says I need a new gear spacer ring. He also recommended using that stuff "slick 50" on the motor, which we did today. Maybe my imagination, but it seems quieter and smoother.

I bought an alarm for my scoot today, because my cowl got stolen last night. On the bright side, this week end is "American Mayday" in L.A, and I am going. there is a crew from Secret Society going. I think some of them may be riding down, that would be an adventure, but I don't know if my scoot is up to that long of a ride, at least not yet.

Mods (American) Mayday was cool, saw some really cool scooters, including an immaculate 1959 150. it was awesome. xxxxx, xxxx, and I got pretty rowdy at the night time show. the bands were good, but there was a change to the line up. I got a flyer for a show in San Jose called "Monsters of Scoots" in June. I think I will ride to it.

Adjusted my shift cables today, also went to San Francisco Scooter Center and talked to xxxxx , he said he might have a cowl that will work for my scooter, but needed coffee to think about it. I went and got him some coffee drinks, and a bagel, and when I asked him how much, he said, "uh, two coffee drinks and one bagel" so It basically cost me like three bucks. When I got it cleaned up, it is actually the right one! an actual 58! (my old one fit a little funky anyway, it was not the original one and was a tiny bit bigger than the glove box side.) Cool!

Made some cool crash bars for my front fender out of some old ones that were getting thrown away. also replaced my centerstand altogether

Got my new engine cowl painted high gloss black, but now it looks so good, it makes the rest of the paint job look pretty shabby up close. I am hoping the paint shop can match the burgundy paint color, so I can get a can of it to touch up all the nicks and scratches before the big show "Monsters of Scoots" in San Jose at the end of the month.

Some things I would like to get done before the show on Friday. Paint the front fender and horn cover gloss black to match cowls, polish all the metal and alloy parts, replace tail light. if it looks good enough I may enter it in the show.

Stayed late last night and painted cowl and horn cover.

Well, I did it! I stayed late last night and painted the rest of my scooter. A nice semi metallic dark red/burgundy color. I rubbed the paint out, washed it, and then reassembled it today. I am just doing a few finishing touches before pushing off for the whale building. The ride leaves in about an hour! a bunch of us are riding down to San Jose. I am just going over my stuff and packing my tool bag with some spare parts. extra cables and spark plugs, stuff like that. Also double checking my luggage.

here is a pic I snapped this afternoon when I was washing it down to remove the rubbing compound...Shiny!

7-28-89, Rest stop.
finished with scooter and took of for the whale building at 6:35. I thought I would be late, but the ride left later. Things went pretty well except my tail light burned out, and now, xxxxx's Lambretta LD 150 won't start. Turned out he fouled a plug, and it is ok now. Onward through the Fog!

7-29-89 Saturday.
The ride down was fun, the dance at the Cactus Club was fun, they showed a sort of video scrap book, and the footage that I shot at the San Jose Custom show was in there. Lots of Scoots and people drinking and getting rowdy. a couple of people got arrested, but no one in our group. After the dance xxxx, xxxxx, xxxx, and I left to find a Hotel.

I got separated, but finally caught up with the group, only to find out they were lost as well. Maybe it was the fog, maybe it was the whisky, but after going one direction after another, we end up at the San Jose Airport, with only a vague hand drawn map. It would have been easy if we could take the freeway, but xxxx's bike was having problems, and wouldn't go over 25-30 mph So we finally found our way back to the Cactus Club, and started over. We found a hotel at 2:00 and continued drinking. I passed out at about 4:00am. So this Morning we got up and went to Lyons for breakfast, then had to find an auto parts store so I could get a tail light bulb, then off to the custom show at Kelly Park in Santa Clara. The Scooter show was great, but it was roasting hot. There was probably about 150 scooters entered in the show, and who knows how many parked in the parking area. I entered my scooter in the show as a "Street Vespa" but I doubt I will win anything. Lots of people have been checking out my "pirates" logo. been seeing lots of people from Santa Cruz. Tonight is the big dance at "One Step Beyond" Bad Manners is playing. right now everyone is drinking and priming for the show.

7-30-89 Sunday, last day
The show last night was good. "Donkey Show" from San Diego got the whole place Jumpin. After that was the Awards for the custom show, and I won second place for best Street Vespa! I was flipping out! It was a total surprise. After that, Bad Manners played and everyone danced up a storm. Speaking of Awards, xxxxx's LD 150 took first place in the Lambretta category!! After the show I hung out with xxxx (from Salinas) and drank for a while in the parking lot, then went back to the Hotel. The Hotel manager was flipping out about all the people milling about, and was saying he was gonna call the cops. So xxxx and I bailed and went to a late night Korean food place for some eats, Kimchee and Kiran! and then checked out some other hotel parties. I ended up back at my hotel at about 3:00am and drank till about 4:00am. This morning we got up, had some beer for breakfast, then headed out for the "last day" ride and BBQ. It was fun until the cops came and made everyone pour out their beer.

starting ride home to S.F.

xxxx had to go back to the hotel, xxxx forgot some of his stuff.
4:10pm, rest stop. Somewhere near Woodside.
Can't believe how windy it is8-7-89

Scoot is running well since last ride, but I think I need new shift cable housings. I lubed the cables with some special Teflon grease, but they still feel like they are getting more and more "crunchy" Also, blew another tail light bulb

Completely rewired scooter over the week-end, the old wiring was a mess of splices and mostly made up of the same color (red) wire. Made a whole new wiring harness, and a wiring diagram.

We had a major Earthquake yesterday, it was crazy. I was working on a scooter on the lift, when the scooter started rocking back and forth. My first thought was what the hell is wrong with this lift? then I hear the glass breaking, and ran to the back door, there was a shower of glass coming down from the building above, so I stayed in the doorway. After it was over, it got real quiet It was surreal. Then the sirens started, and people shouting, and we were like, holy shit, what now? we closed up the shop, and I made my way home.8-7-89
Completely rewired scooter over the week-end, the old wiring was a mess of splices and mostly made up of the same color (red) wire. Made a whole new wiring harness, and a wiring diagram.

We had a major Earthquake yesterday, it was crazy. I was working on a scooter on the lift, when the scooter started rocking back and forth. My first thought was what the hell is wrong with this lift? then I hear the glass breaking, and ran to the back door, there was a shower of glass coming down from the building above, so I stayed in the doorway. After it was over, it got real quiet It was surreal. Then the sirens started, and people shouting, and we were like, holy shit, what now? we closed up the shop, and I made my way home.8-7-89
Completely rewired scooter over the week-end, the old wiring was a mess of splices and mostly made up of the same color (red) wire. Made a whole new wiring harness, and a wiring diagram.

We had a major Earthquake yesterday, it was crazy. I was working on a scooter on the lift, when the scooter started rocking back and forth. My first thought was what the hell is wrong with this lift? then I hear the glass breaking, and ran to the back door, there was a shower of glass coming down from the building above, so I stayed in the doorway. After it was over, it got real quiet It was surreal. Then the sirens started, and people shouting, and we were like, holy shit, what now? we closed up the shop, and I made my way home. I was so glad I was on a Scooter, there was no power, so the stop lights were all out, and the streets were jammed up everywhere. I had to ride on the sidewalk in places, and through back alleys to get home. it was crazy. At about 2:00 am the power came back on for a while, and they started running the Muni trains, which go right behind my house, and make my house shake. So about every ten or so minutes, the house would rumble, and I would run to the doorway. Didn't get much sleep until the power went out again this morning. There was a guy in the park screaming at another guy that the bay bridge collapsed, but news has been hard to get. I walked around the neighborhood this morning and there were bricks everywhere, broken windows. Crazy...

Replaced rear shock today, major difference in the way it rides and handles.

xxx helped me re-jet my carb. Noticeable improvement.

Was going to ride to Santa Cruz for Thanksgiving, but ended up not going. Went on a couple of runs this month, first was the "East bay Turkey Run" put on by the Blue Meanies. Rained like hell the whole time. At one point, a bunch of us took over a laundromat to dry our jackets and parkas. ahh, the smell of hot army surplus... Then there was also the "Scheming Bitches Toy Run". a few clubs got together and donated almost a whole truck load of toys to the "toys for tots"program. Work has been super busy, we have been doing more Vespa work than ever. Check it out...

Bought a new Scooter, a 1981 P200E. A guy brought it in a while back but decided he didn't want to spend the money to get it fixed. Needs a full service, tires, and a fuel tap, I know for sure. I offered him $400, and now it is mine! runs strong, but floods so bad gas comes out the exhaust when you start it. will probably need seals too. Here is a pic...

been working on my P200 quite a bit. I took the CSA windshield off and cut it down so that it is only about as wide as the legshield, and cut the plexiglass down to about half the size. Looks a lot sleeker now. xxxxx was at the shop today and looked at it with what can only be described as contempt. "What's the point of even having one now?" he said, then just shook his head and walked away. I guess he does not share my particular aesthetic appreciation. But then again, he was involved with CSA, so maybe he thinks it is a comment on his design?
Hard to say. Personally, I like it. also will probably ditch the front rack. Might keep it for camping trips, but not for everyday. The only problem is there are circular dents in the paint where the rack rests on the legshield.

1-5-1990 11:30am
The ride is still six hours away, but already I am getting antsy to move. We are meeting at the whale building at 5:30pm for the ride to the custom scooter show in San Jose called "Dawning of a New Decade" I am taking my P200 because my 150 is not running very well at the moment.

leaving whale building. 13 scooters.

Gas stop. Good god it is cold! so far, xxxx got a flat tire about a half hour into the ride, xxxxx had a problem with his intake manifold, and now xxxx is working on his jet 200 Lambretta. some problem with the exhaust, I think. Lucky 13! On the other hand, xxxx's scooter is running fine. His layshaft exploded this morning, he was totally bummed. He and xxx worked on it all day, and just finished re-assembling it literally minutes before the ride. He was frantic, but looks it seems to be running smoothly. We have about another 30 miles to the hotel.
Ok, xxxxx got his Lambretta fixed, apparently his nuts fell off.
Maybe it's the cold....AHH Haa Haa ha ha! but seriously, it seems he lost the nuts on his exhaust manifold

xxx's GS is having trouble shifting. We were forced to pull over and drink much whiskey. I think it helped. So close, and yet so thirsty!.

Well, we are at the Hotel xxx is working on the gear cables on his GS, he lost 1st and 4th gear on the ride down. xxxx is talking to the hotel manager. The was some sort of mix up, and we do not have enough rooms. Ok, Got it worked out, off to the Cactus Club

1-6-90, 1:45am
back at the hotel waiting for the beer. Cactus Club was cool, saw lots of people I have not seen in a while.

1:55am, Beer arrives, YES!
2:00am, xxxxxx arrives, YES!
2:05am, Hotel Manager arrives, No!.. Says to get everyone out or he's calling the cops. We mill around until he leaves, then continue drinking.

1-7-90 midnight
So what happened today? xxxx got drunk, but then again, he is usually drunk. So other than that, today was the custom show and dance. xxx got the peoples choice award, xxxx got runner up for classic Lambretta, and xxxxx got best street Vespa.(the Rally that xxxx built) so now, xxxx is drunk, xxxxx is drunk, xxxxx is drunk. xxxxx just said no, he is not drunk, just pleasantly inebriated. We are back at the hotel waiting for more beer. xxxx and xxxxxxx took up a collection and went to find a liquor store. I also asked them to get chips. Actually I kind of just screamed "Chips, god dammit! GET CHIPS!" as they were driving away. I hope they heard me. xxxx just came in, and asked how we liked the dirge death rock at the end of the show. I told him beer was on the way. "righteous" he said.

Oh yeah! Burgundy topz showed up wearing Fezzes. God damn sneaky... they won the "most spirited" award.

12:30am 1-7-90
The Beer arrives. (no chips)

still drinking steadily. right now the crowd is me, xxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxx, xxxxx, and xxxxxx.

xxxxxx wants to know what the hell I keep writing. "Notes" I told her.
(next entry is in someone else's writing that at 2:12am, that I fell out of my chair)

xxxxxx is skanking on the bed, and xxxx is completely out of hand

1-7-90 the trip home, 2:40pm
In Palo Alto. xxxx's scoot is having some kind of problem. Won't go over about 25 mph without bogging down. kind of sounds like it is not getting enough gas.

3:15pm in woodside.
short rest/gas stop. It is starting to look like it is going to rain. xxxx's scooter is getting worse

It is starting to drizzle and we are on the side of the road. xxx and xxxx are working trying to figure out what is wrong with xxxx's bike. we had been going 15-20 mph for the last few miles, then it crapped out altogether. right now xxx is checking out the carb.

Ok, got it fixed. turned out his exhaust was plugged with carbon. xxxx scrapped it out with a piece of wire, and it seems to run better now. In fact he says it runs better than it has in a long time.
Just in time, as it is officially raining.

4:40pm, Home.

I have decided to name my white P200 "Maybelline". I was out in the driveway washing her, and trying to think up a good name. All of the sudden I hear music, and I look up, and there is a late 50's white and chrome Cadillac convertible, with Chuck Berry's "Maybelline" blaring from the radio. Took it as a sign.

5-1-90 11:30am
xxxxxx and I got in a big fight last night, So I was pretty depressed at work. When I told my boss, he said to take the day off. So I pretty much got on my scooter and hit the road. Destination unknown. I road out to the Ocean, and then just kept going. I am on the side of highway 1 right now, about 50 miles south of the city, letting the engine cool, and having a smoke. Guess I am going to Santa Cruz.

Out of gas. I am about 3-4 miles from Santa Cruz. Time to start walking and hitch hiking.

In Santa Cruz, going to call up xxxx and tell him to take the day off. There is drinking to be done! So, not counting running out of gas, it only took about 2 hours. I was going 55-60 almost the whole way. Scooter did fine. It was sketchy a couple of times, long down hills with a semi truck on your tail, just waiting for the cough and sputter. But, other than the gas no problems. At least now I know how far I can get on a tank. Santa Cruz is crazy. The earthquake back in October took out most of the mall. It seems like what didn't fall is being torn down. Everything is gone.

So spent yesterday drinking with xxxx. in Santa Cruz. When I got home, xxxxxx was pretty pissed, but we patched things up. She is jealous of the time I spend with "those Scooter people" She wants me to pay more attention to her.

I keep forgetting to write about California Roadrunners Scooter Camp out. xxxx and I road to San Jose and met up with the Roadrunner crew, and then we all rode through the hills to the camp ground. It was pretty desolate, but it was drinks o' plenty. During the night our camp was invaded by wild pigs. Seriously, wild pigs. I guess they are all over the hills here. one even got up in the bed of a truck where xxxx was sleeping. I guess they can be pretty aggressive. I could hear them rooting around outside my tent.
The next day when xxxx and I were riding back on 880, we were cruising along at about 60 when we got surrounded by a pack of Harley's. I was like, oh shit! but they checked out our Scoots all loaded up with gear, gave a thumbs up, and thundered off.

last weekend was the Secret society Poker Run. It was cool. Rode all over the city collecting cards. there were seven stops, and you used your best 5 cards to make a poker hand. I didn't win anything, but got a patch, and got pretty smashed at the picnic afterwards

Scooter Rage 5 was this weekend, it was cool, about 150 scooters on the ride. unfortunately, xxxxx and I got in a fight before I left, so I didn't hang around much after the show and ride. I went home, and then we really had it out. She wants me to spend more time with her, less time with scooters. which she says "are for kids, anyway"

xxxxx came up from L.A. over the week-end, we took a ride up to twin peaks. Hung out drinking and talking about life. good combo. then took a ride through the city.

5-25-91 10:10am
Broke up with xxxxxx last night, actually this morning at 3:00,(we were up fighting all night) so now I am shuffling around like the living dead. Soon as the whistle blows I am out of here, Santa Cruz bound.

My boss gave me the rest of the day off, so I am out of here

Smoke break in half moon bay, got gas, 54 cents.

Rest stop, Davenport. windy

in Santa Cruz, at xxxx's house. good ride over all, got real windy just outside of Davenport, got kind of hairy at one point, but not too bad. not too cold either. Had a tail wind most of the way, hope it is not a head wind on the way home.

5-26-91 10:10pm.
I just crashed my scooter, what a drag. How bad? I don't really know. I am busy getting drunk, and will look at it tomorrow.

5-27-91 12:55pm
So here is what happened.
On Saturday I went to a party at xxxx xxxxxxx's house. had a couple of beers, but was not even buzzed, and totally fine driving back to xxxx's house. so I am making the turn into his street/driveway, (it is on a cul-de-sac) hit some gravel, and whamm! I am laying on the ground, and the neighbors are coming out of their houses. Of course I jump up, all, "I'm Ok, I'm ok," go pick up my scooter, (it slid like, 20 feet) and push it to xxxx's house, parked it, went inside and started drinking. So today I am checking out the damage. There is a chunk out of my fairing on the left side, the left side crash bar is kind of ground down, my spoiler is in pieces, front fender guard is pretty mangled, left centerstand boot is gone, Spare wheel cover is totally scrapped up, and the "ball" end of my clutch lever is broken off. As far as me, I am Ok, but my left knee and elbow are pretty banged up, and my ribs hurt. My brand new helmet visor has a big scrape down the front, (better than my face, I guess!) My brand new new Doc Martin wingtips are all scuffed up. what a drag.

So other than the cosmetic damage, my scooter seems mechanically sound, so I am hitting the road. Supposed to go to a BBQ at xxxx's house tonight.

Half Moon Bay. Got a buck and a half in gas, and have been just letting the engine cool for the last 15 min. Scoot is running well, but I am taking it pretty easy. It has been really windy, and lots of traffic. averaging 45-50 most of the way. I tried draughting behind a motor home outside of Davenport, and got caught in the slip stream. Scary!

Arrived at xxxx's house for the BBQ. Cold and vibrating!

5-29-91, 7:30pm
Stayed late after closing to work on my scoot, and still have plenty of work ahead. At least now I have time to work on it, since I don't have to go home! Been looking for a new place to live, one with a garage so I don't have to park on the street anymore. But I am low on cash right now, plus need to save to replace all the stuff that got destroyed in the crash.

good news, bad news, good news...
So, good news...
I got a new place to live, up in Twin Peaks.
Bad news...
fouled a plug on the way to work, I forgot to go back to a city plug after the ride to Santa Cruz. I went to my old house to pick some stuff up, and was riding down Haight street when it sputtered and died. I Had to fix it in a bad part of lower Haight, right by the projects. had a couple of characters watching me. One asked where I got my jacket (My bomber) and then asked if he could have it. lucky for me I was just finishing up, said "nope" and rode off.
Good news...
my new house has a garage! Awesome!

Tonight I am going to a Secret Society meeting. I am trying to join, and xxx is sponsoring me. Here's wishing my self luck!

So I don't know where to start, or where to go, so I will just cover the high lights (or low lights) of this weekend...The Knocksville Devils Head Beater Run. (AKA "Hell Camp")Way the hell up north of Napa, in the middle of "public wilderness". The last few miles of the road to the campground was mostly ruts, interspersed with ditches and potholes. At times I was not sure we were going to make it, and if we did, would we be able to get back? We did, and the "camp ground" was a rocky dusty hell hole. There was a problem with the "plentiful free beer" in that it did not exist, it was getting dark, and the nearest town was a couple of hours away. We had brought an emergency 12 pack, but 12 beers divided by 3 people over 12 hours equals not enough. We started drinking on a ridged rationing schedule, then after an hour said screw it and chugged the rest of the beers. Our savior was xxxx who showed up with a spare 12 pack, and the mood lightened. Even more so when, like a magician, he produced a bottle of rum from the center of his rolled up sleeping bag. So with that in mind (literally) It seemed like a good idea when xxxx threw xxxx's folding chair on the fire, and he tried to sit in it anyway. Our revelry was interrupted by the pop-pop-pop of a small caliber rifle from the next camp site, which stopped after Xxx unloaded a clip from his Walther PPK. The rest of the night was singing and fire jumping, until I crawled into my sleeping bag at about 3:30 or 4:00am. After a while it became clear that the rising sun in this place couldn't' be easily dismissed, and people began crawling out of their tents and sleeping bags and milling around at about 7:00 am. Coffee was made, donuts appeared and it looked like a beautiful day. After cleaning up the broken glass and various burnt and melted items, we broke camp at about 10:30, stopped in some town near Napa for brunch at 1:00, and got back to the city about 4:00. I took a nap, and then went to my second Secret Society meeting.

6-29-91 6:20pm Sitting at the golden gate bridge. We are waiting for xxx and xxx. xxxx, xxx, and I are riding and xxx is bringing his van to carry stuff in. We are headed north for the "Some Assembly Required" Camping trip.

7:00pm, on the side of the road.
xxxx's rally soft seized on the freeway, and we ended up taking back roads, and now we are kind of lost. we are trying to decide if we should load the rally in the van, and get back on the freeway.

Found the campsite. There are about 20 people here. xxx and I are going to head back out for a beverage run after we eat. There is beer, but xxx and I want whiskey.

Just got back from the beverage run. Had to go pretty far to find Bushmills. picked up a big bottle, and a couple twelve packs, just in case. Time to drink!

last night was pretty fun. we drank the whiskey, and most of the beer around the campfire, and taking turns perching on a big log dubbed "the hot seat" due to being in the middle of the fire. we sang songs, and told tales. Once the whiskey was gone, xxx declared an emergency and broke out a bottle of Jagermeister. We drank that, and then it seemed like a good idea to head into the woods, to try and climb up to the top of the hill behind our camp. We actually made it, and the view was spectacular. we could hear coyotes, so I gave a few good howls. The coyotes answered back, so we howled some more. after a while it became clear that the howls were getting close, and were coming from several directions. So we ran, slid, fell, and rolled back down to the camp. We stoked up the fire, dug out the remaining beers, and pushed on until about 3:30 when we ran out of wood, and no one was in condition to gather more. I zipped up and fell asleep in my parka pretty much in the dirt. Morning came too soon, but a new fire was built, coffee was made , and we had a breakfast that couldn't be beat. After that we broke camp around noon and started off for xxx's house for an afternoon pool-patio-BBQ-party. I lost the van for a while, but caught up with them at the on ramp to the freeway. Spending the day drinking by the pool was a great way to recuperate,but the ride back was slow because of Traffic, and we didn't get to the Secret Society meeting until late, but since I was with almost half the club, it was excused.

last weekend was "Go Scoot go 2" in Berkeley. We met at the whale building for the Ride to the first night welcome dance. Meeting at the whale building is almost a party in itself. we had about forty bikes when we headed east across the bay bridge. The Dance was fun, but most of us hung out in the parking area drinking. A few fights broke out, but nothing to bad. a little after midnight we headed back across the bridge to "Olive Oyl's" at pier 50, for another party. when we left at 2:30 we were pretty lit. Saturday morning we met again at the whale building to ride back to Berkeley for the big show. When we got to the show there was about 300 scooter there, and more arriving all the time. We set up the Secret Society banner, slathered on the sun block, and took in the show. It was super hot. so I mostly hung out in the shade. Saw xxxxx and a bunch of other people I have not seen in a while. It was a good time. There must have been a thousand scooters on the ride after the show, it was crazy. The night time show was at Paradigm studios. They ran out of patches, but Paddy Smith had a booth at the night time show there selling patches he made just for the occasion, and I bought one of those. Ended up hanging out with some of the guys from Scootering Magazine.

Ok, so, yeah, lots of stuff happened after that, but at that point I began writing in a journal, so it is all there. I may some day add it as an addendum, but the little book ends there, so it ends here too.
See you on the road!