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Tiki Kings Big Ukulele List

Ukulele, Ukelele, Ukalele, Uke! There are thousands of them out there, and this is a semi alphabetical list of Ukulele "Brand" names that I have seen or heard of.The linked names contain whatever Information I have been able to find in books or on the web, or that nice people have sent to me over the years. The reason I am doing this is because I often find Ukuleles that I have never heard of, and wished there was a place to look them up, and maybe get a nugget of info. I think that what I am attempting here is ambitious, but what the heck. If you feel any of the information is incorrect, please email me with your suggested correction. If there is a bit of info you feel is important to list, let me know. If there is no info, and you have some, send me a note. If you have, or know of a Ukulele that is not here, let me know. Send the info to: tikiking@tikiking.com

Click The Ukulele Name for Information...There are currently over 700 names, so this page may take a few seconds to load. If you are looking for other information about Ukuleles, or to buy one, go to the Tiki King Home Page

  1. A. Powers
  2. Abbm
  3. Abbott
  4. Admiral
  5. Aero Uke
  6. Airline
  7. Akai
  8. Akulele
  9. Ala Moana
  10. Albert
  11. Alegre
  12. Alex
  13. Aloha (Plastic)
  14. Aloha Royal
  15. Aloha (wood)
  16. American Conservatory
  17. AmiAmi
  18. Amigo
  19. Ana’ole
  20. Angelica
  21. Antar
  22. aNueNue
  23. Applause
  24. Aquarius
  25. Arai
  26. Aria
  27. Ariana
  28. Arrex
  29. Art-i-So
  30. Artist Limited
  31. Ashbury
  32. A. Schoenhut
  33. Ashton
  34. Asturias
  35. Attitude
  36. Audition
  37. Avalon
  38. AW
  39. Ayers
  40. Bacani
  41. Bacon
  42. BadAax
  43. Band Stand
  44. Bandy
  45. Barclay
  46. Barth-Feinberg
  47. Barron River
  48. Baton Rouge
  49. Bean Sprout
  50. Bear Creek
  51. Beare and Son
  52. Betty Boop
  53. Beltona
  54. Beltone
  55. Biltmore
  56. B & J
  57. Black Bear
  58. Black King
  59. Blackstone
  60. Bluebird
  61. Blue Comet
  62. Boat Paddle
  63. Bobby Breen
  64. Bobby Henshaw
  65. Boo-Champ
  66. Braddah
  67. Brueko
  68. Bruko
  69. Bruno
  70. Brunkalla
  71. Buckulele
  72. Bushman
  73. Cabin
  74. Cameo
  75. Camp Uke
  76. Candelas
  77. Canfield (Ray)
  78. Canopus
  79. Canora
  80. Canuke
  81. Capistrano
  82. Capitol
  83. Capri
  84. Carlo Robelli
  85. Carnival
  86. Carmencita
  87. Carson Robison
  88. Cartwright
  89. Cascade
  90. Castilla
  91. Cavanagh
  92. C. F. Mountain
  93. Ceniza
  94. Chai
  95. Champion
  96. Chantus
  97. Char (AKA Kerry Char)
  98. Cheerleader
  99. Chevalier
  100. Chimes
  101. Cicero Blues Ukulele
  102. Clarion
  103. Clearwater
  104. Clarophone
  105. Coast Los Angeles
  106. Cole Clark
  107. College Pal
  108. Cocolele
  109. Collegiate
  110. Collings
  111. Colonial Silhouette
  112. Columbia
  113. Compass Rose
  114. Concertone
  115. Conqueror
  116. Conrad
  117. Conservatory
  118. Cordoba
  119. Contessa
  120. Coog
  121. Cortly
  122. Countess
  123. Cox Brothers
  124. Cozart
  125. Craftman
  126. Crestline
  127. Crestwood
  128. Crown
  129. Crystalcello
  130. Cunha
  131. CupStar
  132. Dallas
  133. Dana
  134. Dandy Line
  135. Daniel Luiggi
  136. DaSilva
  137. Davidson
  138. Davy Crockett
  139. DeCava
  140. Decca
  141. Del Canto
  142. Delta
  143. Del Vecchio
  144. De Vekey
  145. DeVine
  146. Dias
  147. Diastone
  148. Digging Stick
  149. Dimavery
  150. Ditson
  151. Dixie
  152. Dixie Lee
  153. Dixon
  154. Doane
  155. Dobro
  156. Douglas
  157. Donmo
  158. Duke Kahanamoku
  159. Duncan Sisters
  160. Dyko
  161. Dynamic
  162. Earnest
  163. Echo Uke
  164. Egmond
  165. Eko
  166. Ella Jenkins
  167. Emenee
  168. Emotion
  169. Empire
  170. Emus
  171. Enderby
  172. Encore
  173. Epiphone
  174. Estrella
  175. Excel
  176. Exotica
  177. Famous
  178. Farida
  179. Favilla
  180. Fender
  181. Ferry
  182. Fin-Der
  183. Fire Fly
  184. Fitzroy
  185. Flamingo
  186. Flea
  187. Fluke
  188. Formby
  189. Fortune
  190. Four Leaf
  191. Franciscan
  192. Frisco
  193. Frye
  194. Fukuba
  195. Fuludore
  196. G String
  197. Galveston
  198. Gaucho
  199. Gelas
  200. GH&S
  201. Giannini
  202. Gibson
  203. GKU
  204. Globe
  205. Glyph
  206. Godfrey
  207. Gold Tone
  208. Goya
  209. Graziano
  210. Gremlin
  211. Gretsch
  212. Gros-Tone
  213. Guild
  214. Halawa
  215. Hamano
  216. Hana
  217. Hanalei (old)
  218. Hanalei (Modern)
  219. Hanalei Moon
  220. Hana lima
  221. Happy Time
  222. Happy Tune
  223. Hardell
  224. Harley Benton
  225. Harmonia
  226. Harmony
  227. Harold Summers
  228. Harold teen
  229. Harry Owens
  230. Hau Kea
  231. Hau Nau
  232. Hausner
  233. H. C. Hanson
  234. Henderson
  235. Henson
  236. Herwin
  237. Hikare
  238. Hilo
  239. Hoffman
  240. Hohner
  241. Hollywood
  242. HoneyBell
  243. Hondo
  244. Honu
  245. Hoosier Maid
  246. Hootenanny
  247. Hopf
  248. Howdy Doody
  249. H & S
  250. Hudson
  251. Hula Beach
  252. Hula Uke
  253. Ibanez
  254. I'iwi
  255. Imperial
  256. Isana
  257. Island
  258. Islander
  259. Jamco
  260. Jazz Uke (Sonntag)
  261. J.C.Cowl
  262. Jedson
  263. Jefferson
  264. Jeni Frank
  265. Jetelele
  266. Jimmy Durante
  267. JMG
  268. Johnny Marvin
  269. Johnson
  270. Jolli Joe
  271. J.R. Stewart
  272. JSR
  273. June Days
  274. Junior Ukulele
  275. K'Aloha
  276. Kaai
  277. Kaaka
  278. Kahala
  279. Kaholas
  280. Kaimana
  281. Kala
  282. Ka Lani
  283. Ka-Lae
  284. Ka'Lai
  285. Kalaka
  286. Kalama
  287. Kalia
  288. Kalima
  289. Kalua
  290. Kamaka
  291. Kamalia
  292. Kamoa
  293. Kanaka
  294. Kaneale
  295. Kanile'a
  296. Kapalai
  297. Kapok
  298. Kapono
  299. KaRaOK
  300. Kasauga
  301. Kau'Wela
  302. Kawika
  303. Kay
  304. Kay
  305. Kealia
  306. Keili
  307. Keiliani
  308. Kekahuna
  309. Kelii
  310. Kenika
  311. Kenny Roberts
  312. Kent
  313. Kepasa
  314. King
  315. Kingston
  316. Kingstone
  317. Kiwaya
  318. K K
  319. K.Lee
  320. KlearTone
  321. Knutsen
  322. KoAloha
  323. Koa Pili Koko
  324. Kohala
  325. Kohala (Honher)
  326. Koloa
  327. Kook-A-Lele
  328. Ko'olau
  329. Konablaster
  330. Kona Isledb
  331. K.P.
  332. Kristal
  333. Kumalae
  334. K Wave
  335. K. Yasuma
  336. Kyomei
  337. La Foley
  338. Lahaina
  339. La Melodia
  340. Lanai
  341. Lange
  342. Lanikai
  343. La Pacifica
  344. La Uke
  345. Lark
  346. larrivee
  347. L. D. Zerone
  348. Leader
  349. Leban
  350. Le Cygnet
  351. Le Domino
  352. Leilani
  353. Leolani
  354. Leonora
  355. Lero
  356. Lehua
  357. Les Reitfors
  358. Lindell
  359. Lil' Pal
  360. Lindy
  361. Lisa
  362. Little Guitar
  363. Little River
  364. Live Wires
  365. Loco
  366. Loha
  367. Lulani
  368. L Moana
  369. Lone Ranger
  370. Longridge
  371. Longworth
  372. LoPrinzi
  373. Louisville Lou
  374. Lumanog
  375. Ludwig
  376. LuLu
  377. Luna
  378. Luxor
  379. Lyle
  380. Lymana
  381. Lyra
  382. Lyon and Healy
  383. Maccaferri
  384. Magic Fluke
  385. Mahalo
  386. Mahelona
  387. Mahimahi
  388. Mainland
  389. Mastro
  390. Majesty
  391. Makai
  392. Makala
  393. Makea Kamana
  394. Maikai
  395. Makini (Hawaiian)
  396. Makini (Japanese)
  397. Manano
  398. Mansfield
  399. Marathon
  400. Marco Polo
  401. Markendale
  402. Marveltone
  403. Marma
  404. Martin
  405. Maruha
  406. Marwin
  407. Masterbuilt
  408. Mastro
  409. Mattel
  410. Maton
  411. Maui Maid
  412. Mayes
  413. Maui
  414. Mauna Loa
  415. Maxitone
  416. Maxwell
  417. Maya
  418. Maybell
  419. May Singhi Breen
  420. Mele
  421. Melody Maker
  422. Merano
  423. MIA
  424. Mikasa
  425. Miami
  426. Mitchell
  427. Mitchell (Dennis)
  428. Moana
  429. Modern Bali uke
  430. Moku
  431. Moon
  432. Moore Bettah
  433. Montano
  434. Morelli
  435. Morris
  436. Morton
  437. Mouna loa
  438. Mossman
  439. MP
  440. MS
  441. Mya-Moe
  442. Nahenahe
  443. Nakanishi
  444. Nakashima
  445. Nalu
  446. National
  447. Nawi
  448. Nene
  449. Neptune
  450. Newton
  451. NicaTiki
  452. Nice
  453. Niu Kani
  454. Norma
  455. Northern
  456. Novak
  457. Nunes
  458. Nu-Way
  459. Ohana
  460. O Kona
  461. Olympian
  462. Orlando
  463. Orpheum
  464. Orphus
  465. Oscar Schmidt
  466. Ozama
  467. Pahu Kani
  468. Palmer
  469. Palm Tree Ukes
  470. Panther
  471. Paramount
  472. Pau Hana
  473. Peace
  474. The Peach
  475. Pearson
  476. Pegasus
  477. Peter Pan
  478. Peterson
  479. Pele
  480. Penncrest
  481. Pendennis
  482. Penn
  483. Pennant
  484. Pep Leader
  485. Pignose
  486. Pineapple (brand)
  487. Pineapple (shape)
  488. Pirles
  489. Phoenix
  490. Plainsman
  491. Playtime
  492. Playtune
  493. Pleasure
  494. Plum Blossoms
  495. P'mico
  496. Pohaku
  497. Polk-A-Lay-Lee
  498. Po Mahina
  499. Pono
  500. Pono 2
  501. Prinzi
  502. Pupukea
  503. Pulelehua
  504. Rainy Day
  505. Raven
  506. Rhapsody
  507. Recco
  508. Recording King
  509. Red Head
  510. Regal
  511. Regency
  512. Reitfors(AKA "Les Reitfors")
  513. Renaissance
  514. Rex
  515. Ribson
  516. Rice
  517. Richter Co
  518. Rich Wood
  519. Riptide
  520. Risa
  521. Rivola
  522. R.L. Saul
  523. Road Toad
  524. Rodeo
  525. Rob Collins
  526. Rogue
  527. Rollings
  528. Royce
  529. Royal Hawaiian
  530. Roy Smeck
  531. Russ Morin
  532. Ruyi Brand
  533. Rhythm Band
  534. Sagano
  535. Sailor Brand
  536. Sakura
  537. Sam Chang
  538. Samick
  539. Sammo
  540. Samuii
  541. Sanchez
  542. Sandstrom
  543. Santa Rosa
  544. Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz Guitar Company)
  545. Santini
  546. Sarapaul
  547. Sargent
  548. Savannah
  549. SGSC
  550. Scheurenbrand
  551. Schaepe
  552. Schoenhut
  553. Sekova
  554. Selcol
  555. Serenader
  556. Sevilla
  557. Seville
  558. Shaeffer
  559. Shaka
  560. Sherwood
  561. Shaftesbury
  562. Shimo
  563. Shireson
  564. Si
  565. Sierra
  566. Silver Creek
  567. Silver Knight
  568. Silver Mellow Tone
  569. Silvertone
  570. "Singing" Treholipee
  571. Sky Lark
  572. Slingerland
  573. Sonica
  574. Sonntag
  575. Sonny D
  576. Sparkle Plenty
  577. Spruce House
  578. S.T.
  579. Stadium
  580. Stafford
  581. Star
  582. Stagg
  583. Stawski
  584. Stella
  585. S.S. Stewart
  586. Sterling
  587. St.George
  588. Strad
  589. Strad-O-Lin
  590. Stroviols
  591. Stromberg-Voisinet
  592. Sunlight
  593. Surf-a-lay-lee
  594. Surfrider
  595. Superbo
  596. Supertone
  597. Summers
  598. Superuke
  599. Suzuki
  600. Swagerty
  601. Tabu
  602. Taiote
  603. Takahashi
  604. Takamine
  605. Tall Grass
  606. Talsma
  607. Tamura
  608. Tanaka
  609. Tara
  610. Tangi
  611. Targ and Dinner
  612. T. B. and Co.
  613. Ted Davis
  614. Tele-Star
  615. Tempo
  616. Terada & co
  617. T.H.
  618. Third Wave
  619. The Columbian
  620. The Globe
  621. Tiki King
  622. Timber Bass
  623. Timberline
  624. Ting
  625. Tin Guitars Ukes
  626. T&K Cineza
  627. Todaro
  628. Tombo
  629. Tomy
  630. Tonk Brothers
  631. Tonka
  632. Tone Master
  633. Toshiba
  634. Travis
  635. Triumph
  636. True Tone
  637. Tru-Fret
  638. T's
  639. T.T
  640. TumaVita
  641. Turner
  642. Turturro
  643. Tutti
  644. T.V. Pal
  645. Tycho
  646. Uke a doodle
  647. Uke-A-Tune
  648. Ukiyo
  649. Ukelin
  650. UKE brand
  651. Uku-Doodle
  652. Ukulele Ike
  653. Ukulelia
  654. Uilani
  655. Unis
  656. Universal Worldwide Trading, Inc.
  657. Urabe
  658. US Strad
  659. Vega
  660. Valencia
  661. Varsity
  662. Ventura
  663. Victor
  664. Vibra
  665. Vinci
  666. Vineyard
  667. Vintage
  668. Virgin
  669. VitaUke
  670. VitalUke
  671. Wabash
  672. Waikiki
  673. Wai-Ki-Ki
  674. Wailua
  675. Walters
  676. Wander-lele
  677. Washburn
  678. Waverly Street
  679. Wendell Hall
  680. Weiss
  681. Weissenborn
  682. Werco
  683. Westbrook
  684. Westminster
  685. Weymann
  686. Williams
  687. Wildwood
  688. Wimbrola
  689. Windsor
  690. Winner
  691. Winston
  692. Wise
  693. Wizard
  694. Woodstock
  695. W.S.
  696. Wuki Wuki
  697. Wurlitzer
  698. Yamaha
  699. Yari
  700. Yasuma (AKA "K. Yasuma")
  701. Yasuda
  702. Y KeKe
  703. Young
  704. Zambra
  705. Zephyr
  706. Zim-Gar
  707. Zolele
  708. Zorro
  709. Zen-On

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