Ukulele, Ukelele, Ukalele, Uke! There are thousands of them out there, and this is a semi alphabetical list of Ukulele "Brand" names that I have seen or heard of.The linked names contain whatever Information I have been able to find in books or on the web, or that nice people have sent to me over the years. The reason I am doing this is because I often find Ukuleles that I have never heard of, and wished there was a place to look them up, and maybe get a nugget of info. I think that what I am attempting here is ambitious, but what the heck. If you feel any of the information is incorrect, please email me with your suggested correction. If there is a bit of info you feel is important to list, let me know. If there is no info, and you have some, send me a note. If you have, or know of a Ukulele that is not here, let me know. Send the info to: Click The Ukulele Name for Information...There are currently over 700 names, so this page may take a few seconds to load. If you are looking for other information about Ukuleles, or to buy one, go to the
Tiki King Home Page
- A. Powers
- Abbm
- Abbott
- Admiral
- Aero Uke
- Airline
- Akai
- Akulele
- Ala Moana
- Albert
- Alegre
- Alex
- Aloha (Plastic)
- Aloha Royal
- Aloha (wood)
- American Conservatory
- AmiAmi
- Amigo
- Ana’ole
- Angelica
- Antar
- aNueNue
- Applause
- Aquarius
- Arai
- Aria
- Ariana
- Arrex
- Art-i-So
- Artist Limited
- Ashbury
- A. Schoenhut
- Ashton
- Asturias
- Attitude
- Audition
- Avalon
- AW
- Ayers
- Bacani
- Bacon
- BadAax
- Band Stand
- Bandy
- Barclay
- Barth-Feinberg
- Barron River
- Baton Rouge
- Bean Sprout
- Bear Creek
- Beare and Son
- Betty Boop
- Beltona
- Beltone
- Biltmore
- B & J
- Black Bear
- Black King
- Blackstone
- Bluebird
- Blue Comet
- Boat Paddle
- Bobby Breen
- Bobby Henshaw
- Boo-Champ
- Braddah
- Brueko
- Bruko
- Bruno
- Brunkalla
- Buckulele
- Bushman
- Cabin
- Cameo
- Camp Uke
- Candelas
- Canfield (Ray)
- Canopus
- Canora
- Canuke
- Capistrano
- Capitol
- Capri
- Carlo Robelli
- Carnival
- Carmencita
- Carson Robison
- Cartwright
- Cascade
- Castilla
- Cavanagh
- C. F. Mountain
- Ceniza
- Chai
- Champion
- Chantus
- Char (AKA Kerry Char)
- Cheerleader
- Chevalier
- Chimes
- Cicero Blues Ukulele
- Clarion
- Clearwater
- Clarophone
- Coast Los Angeles
- Cole Clark
- College Pal
- Cocolele
- Collegiate
- Collings
- Colonial Silhouette
- Columbia
- Compass Rose
- Concertone
- Conqueror
- Conrad
- Conservatory
- Cordoba
- Contessa
- Coog
- Cortly
- Countess
- Cox Brothers
- Cozart
- Craftman
- Crestline
- Crestwood
- Crown
- Crystalcello
- Cunha
- CupStar
- Dallas
- Dana
- Dandy Line
- Daniel Luiggi
- DaSilva
- Davidson
- Davy Crockett
- DeCava
- Decca
- Del Canto
- Delta
- Del Vecchio
- De Vekey
- DeVine
- Dias
- Diastone
- Digging Stick
- Dimavery
- Ditson
- Dixie
- Dixie Lee
- Dixon
- Doane
- Dobro
- Douglas
- Donmo
- Duke Kahanamoku
- Duncan Sisters
- Dyko
- Dynamic
- Earnest
- Echo Uke
- Egmond
- Eko
- Ella Jenkins
- Emenee
- Emotion
- Empire
- Emus
- Enderby
- Encore
- Epiphone
- Estrella
- Excel
- Exotica
- Famous
- Farida
- Favilla
- Fender
- Ferry
- Fin-Der
- Fire Fly
- Fitzroy
- Flamingo
- Flea
- Fluke
- Formby
- Fortune
- Four Leaf
- Franciscan
- Frisco
- Frye
- Fukuba
- Fuludore
- G String
- Galveston
- Gaucho
- Gelas
- GH&S
- Giannini
- Gibson
- Globe
- Glyph
- Godfrey
- Gold Tone
- Goya
- Graziano
- Gremlin
- Gretsch
- Gros-Tone
- Guild
- Halawa
- Hamano
- Hana
- Hanalei (old)
- Hanalei (Modern)
- Hanalei Moon
- Hana lima
- Happy Time
- Happy Tune
- Hardell
- Harley Benton
- Harmonia
- Harmony
- Harold Summers
- Harold teen
- Harry Owens
- Hau Kea
- Hau Nau
- Hausner
- H. C. Hanson
- Henderson
- Henson
- Herwin
- Hikare
- Hilo
- Hoffman
- Hohner
- Hollywood
- HoneyBell
- Hondo
- Honu
- Hoosier Maid
- Hootenanny
- Hopf
- Howdy Doody
- H & S
- Hudson
- Hula Beach
- Hula Uke
- Ibanez
- I'iwi
- Imperial
- Isana
- Island
- Islander
- Jamco
- Jazz Uke (Sonntag)
- J.C.Cowl
- Jedson
- Jefferson
- Jeni Frank
- Jetelele
- Jimmy Durante
- Johnny Marvin
- Johnson
- Jolli Joe
- J.R. Stewart
- June Days
- Junior Ukulele
- K'Aloha
- Kaai
- Kaaka
- Kahala
- Kaholas
- Kaimana
- Kala
- Ka Lani
- Ka-Lae
- Ka'Lai
- Kalaka
- Kalama
- Kalia
- Kalima
- Kalua
- Kamaka
- Kamalia
- Kamoa
- Kanaka
- Kaneale
- Kanile'a
- Kapalai
- Kapok
- Kapono
- KaRaOK
- Kasauga
- Kau'Wela
- Kawika
- Kay
- Kay
- Kealia
- Keili
- Keiliani
- Kekahuna
- Kelii
- Kenika
- Kenny Roberts
- Kent
- Kepasa
- King
- Kingston
- Kingstone
- Kiwaya
- K K
- K.Lee
- KlearTone
- Knutsen
- KoAloha
- Koa Pili Koko
- Kohala
- Kohala (Honher)
- Koloa
- Kook-A-Lele
- Ko'olau
- Konablaster
- Kona Isledb
- K.P.
- Kristal
- Kumalae
- K Wave
- K. Yasuma
- Kyomei
- La Foley
- Lahaina
- La Melodia
- Lanai
- Lange
- Lanikai
- La Pacifica
- La Uke
- Lark
- larrivee
- L. D. Zerone
- Leader
- Leban
- Le Cygnet
- Le Domino
- Leilani
- Leolani
- Leonora
- Lero
- Lehua
- Les Reitfors
- Lindell
- Lil' Pal
- Lindy
- Lisa
- Little Guitar
- Little River
- Live Wires
- Loco
- Loha
- Lulani
- L Moana
- Lone Ranger
- Longridge
- Longworth
- LoPrinzi
- Louisville Lou
- Lumanog
- Ludwig
- LuLu
- Luna
- Luxor
- Lyle
- Lymana
- Lyra
- Lyon and Healy
- Maccaferri
- Magic Fluke
- Mahalo
- Mahelona
- Mahimahi
- Mainland
- Mastro
- Majesty
- Makai
- Makala
- Makea Kamana
- Maikai
- Makini (Hawaiian)
- Makini (Japanese)
- Manano
- Mansfield
- Marathon
- Marco Polo
- Markendale
- Marveltone
- Marma
- Martin
- Maruha
- Marwin
- Masterbuilt
- Mastro
- Mattel
- Maton
- Maui Maid
- Mayes
- Maui
- Mauna Loa
- Maxitone
- Maxwell
- Maya
- Maybell
- May Singhi Breen
- Mele
- Melody Maker
- Merano
- Mikasa
- Miami
- Mitchell
- Mitchell (Dennis)
- Moana
- Modern Bali uke
- Moku
- Moon
- Moore Bettah
- Montano
- Morelli
- Morris
- Morton
- Mouna loa
- Mossman
- MP
- MS
- Mya-Moe
- Nahenahe
- Nakanishi
- Nakashima
- Nalu
- National
- Nawi
- Nene
- Neptune
- Newton
- NicaTiki
- Nice
- Niu Kani
- Norma
- Northern
- Novak
- Nunes
- Nu-Way
- Ohana
- O Kona
- Olympian
- Orlando
- Orpheum
- Orphus
- Oscar Schmidt
- Ozama
- Pahu Kani
- Palmer
- Palm Tree Ukes
- Panther
- Paramount
- Pau Hana
- Peace
- The Peach
- Pearson
- Pegasus
- Peter Pan
- Peterson
- Pele
- Penncrest
- Pendennis
- Penn
- Pennant
- Pep Leader
- Pignose
- Pineapple (brand)
- Pineapple (shape)
- Pirles
- Phoenix
- Plainsman
- Playtime
- Playtune
- Pleasure
- Plum Blossoms
- P'mico
- Pohaku
- Polk-A-Lay-Lee
- Po Mahina
- Pono
- Pono 2
- Prinzi
- Pupukea
- Pulelehua
- Rainy Day
- Raven
- Rhapsody
- Recco
- Recording King
- Red Head
- Regal
- Regency
- Reitfors(AKA "Les Reitfors")
- Renaissance
- Rex
- Ribson
- Rice
- Richter Co
- Rich Wood
- Riptide
- Risa
- Rivola
- R.L. Saul
- Road Toad
- Rodeo
- Rob Collins
- Rogue
- Rollings
- Royce
- Royal Hawaiian
- Roy Smeck
- Russ Morin
- Ruyi Brand
- Rhythm Band
- Sagano
- Sailor Brand
- Sakura
- Sam Chang
- Samick
- Sammo
- Samuii
- Sanchez
- Sandstrom
- Santa Rosa
- Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz Guitar Company)
- Santini
- Sarapaul
- Sargent
- Savannah
- Scheurenbrand
- Schaepe
- Schoenhut
- Sekova
- Selcol
- Serenader
- Sevilla
- Seville
- Shaeffer
- Shaka
- Sherwood
- Shaftesbury
- Shimo
- Shireson
- Si
- Sierra
- Silver Creek
- Silver Knight
- Silver Mellow Tone
- Silvertone
- "Singing" Treholipee
- Sky Lark
- Slingerland
- Sonica
- Sonntag
- Sonny D
- Sparkle
- Spruce House
- S.T.
- Stadium
- Stafford
- Star
- Stagg
- Stawski
- Stella
- S.S. Stewart
- Sterling
- St.George
- Strad
- Strad-O-Lin
- Stroviols
- Stromberg-Voisinet
- Sunlight
- Surf-a-lay-lee
- Surfrider
- Superbo
- Supertone
- Summers
- Superuke
- Suzuki
- Swagerty
- Tabu
- Taiote
- Takahashi
- Takamine
- Tall Grass
- Talsma
- Tamura
- Tanaka
- Tara
- Tangi
- Targ and Dinner
- T. B. and Co.
- Ted Davis
- Tele-Star
- Tempo
- Terada & co
- T.H.
- Third Wave
- The Columbian
- The Globe
- Tiki King
- Timber Bass
- Timberline
- Ting
- Tin Guitars Ukes
- T&K Cineza
- Todaro
- Tombo
- Tomy
- Tonk Brothers
- Tonka
- Tone Master
- Toshiba
- Travis
- Triumph
- True Tone
- Tru-Fret
- T's
- T.T
- TumaVita
- Turner
- Turturro
- Tutti
- T.V. Pal
- Tycho
- Uke a doodle
- Uke-A-Tune
- Ukiyo
- Ukelin
- UKE brand
- Uku-Doodle
- Ukulele Ike
- Ukulelia
- Uilani
- Unis
- Universal Worldwide Trading, Inc.
- Urabe
- US Strad
- Vega
- Valencia
- Varsity
- Ventura
- Victor
- Vibra
- Vinci
- Vineyard
- Vintage
- Virgin
- VitaUke
- VitalUke
- Wabash
- Waikiki
- Wai-Ki-Ki
- Wailua
- Walters
- Wander-lele
- Washburn
- Waverly Street
- Wendell Hall
- Weiss
- Weissenborn
- Werco
- Westbrook
- Westminster
- Weymann
- Williams
- Wildwood
- Wimbrola
- Windsor
- Winner
- Winston
- Wise
- Wizard
- Woodstock
- W.S.
- Wuki Wuki
- Wurlitzer
- Yamaha
- Yari
- Yasuma (AKA "K. Yasuma")
- Yasuda
- Y KeKe
- Young
- Zambra
- Zephyr
- Zim-Gar
- Zolele
- Zorro
- Zen-On
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I'm in the top 50!