Tiki King's Ukulele Database:
From 1892 to 1974 Harmony of Chicago made literally millions of instruments in all sorts of shapes, designs and sizes. By 1915, the time of the San Francisco exposition when the uke came into the public eye, they were the largest manufacturers of ukuleles in America. Harmony Produced Ukuleles for Many other Uke "companies", and produced some of the more popular Ukes, the Roy Smeck series, including the "Vita Uke", and the Johnny Marvin "Professional Tenor". Most of the newer Harmony Uke line have the characteristic plastic finger board, except for the concert size, and larger, which had a rosewood fingerboard. Harmony also produced the Silvertone line, which were marketed through Sears. The original Harmony went out of business in 1974, but the name has appeared since on lower end imported instruments
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