Tiki King's Ukulele Database:
Makea Kamana
Made In Hawaii, circa 20's-30's
Sound Hole Lable reads:"Makea Kamana. guaranteed genuine koa, Ukuleles Guitars, Made in Hawaii." with artwork featuring a scene of palm trees and a man playing an instrument leaning against a palm tree on the right.
"Makea" is Hawaiian for "Made by" or "To Make"
"Kamana" is a Hawaiian word meaning "Carpenter"
So a rough translation would be "made by a carpenter", or more likely was to imply "Hand Made"
The Construction is consistant with Island Made instruments of the 20’s-30’s.
The Headstock Features decal of a coat of arms, two Hawaiian Kings, with a banner reading: "Ua mau ke ea o ka'aina i ka pono"
The decal is fairly common on Hawaiian Ukuleles of the period, It was not a "makers mark"
but a fairly common Hawaiian Crest.
The words:
"Ua mau ke ea o ka'aina i ka pono" mean
"The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness"
and it is the State motto.
If it seems familier, it is on some "Hawaiian style" Potato chip bags.
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