UKE Stickers
Do You Play the Uke? do you know someone who plays?
I am guessing you do! Then show your Pride!
I once read that, "you can not make a beautiful
sound with an instrument you are ashamed of".
I think that's true, and that's why I made these
stickers. They look just like the ones you see
on European cars, but a little smaller. They say
"UKE" and under that in smaller print, "Ukulele Player"
They are 4.25" by 2.72" oval weatherproof vinyl. They
are available by simply sending $2.00 (for each sticker)
or $20 for a dozen, along with a SASE to:
Tiki King Uke Stickers,
P.O. Box 345,
Felton, CA. 95018.
I also accept Credit cards and PayPal
(use the buttons below)
as well as Checks, Money orders,
or well hidden cash.